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What is Google SEO & how does SEO optimization work

By  Unknown     Wednesday, August 10, 2016    Labels: 
   SEO which is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization is a factor for Search Engine rankings. 

seo image
What is search engine optimization (SEO)?
- Plain and simple, search engine optimization is the process of making improvements on and off your website in order to gain more exposure in search engine results, and more exposure in search engine results will ultimately lead to more visitors finding you for the right reasons and going to your website. In order to understand what improvements will affect search engine results, let's take a step back and understand the goal of the search engines themselves. At the heart of it all, search engines are just trying to find and understand all of the content out there on the Internet and then quickly deliver Relevant and Authoritative results based on any phrase that a user might be searching for. Gotten from Lynda.com

Now look at it this way;
Search engines like Google, Bing etc help millions of people locate things online, easily and faster. Now Google even performs a search in less than 0.2 seconds.  
View the image for example.

speed test

How the heck did Google pull that trick?
When you use Google search engine, the engine looks for your result in accordance to the keywords contained in your search and this also contributes to a faster search result.
View image below of more.

Also. Google don't only use your search keywords, they also categorize websites and blogs in their engine. They use the h1 tags, h2 tags, meta description, title of page and meta tags of every website or blog.
It makes it easier to categorize websites and blogs.

Now, getting down to it.
Seo is all about making your site friendly, easily accessible and rich both in contents and structure.
When we say that a site has been fully optimized for SEO, this just indicates that the site has been well structured and designed to rank top on search engines.

Seo optimization has to do greatly with re-coding a site template or fully making another template on extreme situation.
It also deal with server to website configuration which is IP-address configuration, server security system and even more. View image below for more info.
website structure

SEO optimization isn't easy and also, it isn't too hard also. It is more advisable to hire an expert because, a mistake can lead to the shutting down of that site or even bigger when working on server to website IP-address connection.
If you are hosting your site on your own server either personal or public, try consulting all the services you will need from me through the contact form or looking for an expert of that field to do it for you.

Watch the video below, which i embedded below to know all the insights to website SEO connections and server connections.

Who is Unknown

A skilled blogger on social media internet marketting and also a certfied search engine analyst. He talks more on search engine optimizations and internet marketting. He is friendly to interact with and you can reach him anytime on his social media accounts...

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